
Sunday 22 November 2015

Common Ways to Find Out if You Have a Bat Infestation

Bats are a vital part of the ecosystem. While they’re important and a common sight outside, you don’t want them in your home. How do you know if your home or business has been invaded by bats?

One of the most common ways that you’ll realize that you have a bat infestation is by the presence of bats. Bats are nocturnal and tend to roost in attics. So, if you suspect you might have a bat problem, one of the best ways to find out, would be to check the attic during the day for sleeping bats. If you find any, then you have an infestation on your hands.

Another way to find out if you have bats in your home is to look for the droppings. Bat feces looks a lot like mouse feces, only bigger in size. Also, they tend to be clumped together in one place.

Additionally, scratching can also be a sign of bats in your house. Sometimes, you’ll be able to hear a strange scratching through the walls in your home. Usually, it will sound like it’s coming from the attic. While it can also happen during the day, this is not as common given that they tend to sleep throughout daylight hours. Scratching noises tend to be a clear sign that there are animals in your home.

If you aren’t sure about whether or not you have bats and do not want to go into the attic to come in contact with them, you can post people outside your house. Bats tend to take off at dusk to find food, so if you have people taking watch, you will see them fly out of your home. The best way to make sure that they are roosting there is to do this several times.

Scent can also be a signal for homeowners that they have a bat problem. Guano builds up and gives off the scent of ammonia. Now, the problem with this is that by the time it has built up enough that you can smell it, then you typically have a large bat infestation on your hands.

There are a lot of easy ways to confirm whether or not you have bats living in your home. Of course, if you come to the conclusion that you have an infestation, the best course of action would be to have the bats removed. Information about bat removal in Durham can be found at this website.

Friday 6 November 2015

He Wants to Suck Your Blood!

Gorging themselves on your blood, bed bugs secrete pheromones to attract thousands of others just like them and to promote breeding. In no real time at all, your home could become infested if not properly treated against them. 

Rocky Raccoon Does Not Belong in Your Home

How often are you going to be plagued through the night with the terrifying and irritating sound of scratching in your attic, basement, and/or chimney? Any strange creature that scratches within your home is a thing to be eliminated, but some of these varmints are more detrimental than others. If you hear scratching like this, there is  great likelihood that you have raccoons moving into your home, and those cute critters are surprisingly dangerous to both home and inhabitants.

The Bottom Line on Household Damage

As forest habitat becomes encroached upon and raccoons grow more accustomed to people, they become much bolder about trying to make their homes among humans. Scratching their way into various accommodations, these agile animals damage walls, ceilings, electrical wiring, plumbing, and even roofs. In the end, tolerating intermittent scratching could make you tens of thousands of dollars poorer.

The Prescription for Health and Security
Meanwhile, the health concern surrounding raccoons should not be ignored. Pretty though they may be, these beasts deliver painful bites and scratches. What’s more they are notorious for carrying and transmitting rabies. Anyone sharing a home with raccoons is in serious danger of becoming injured and perhaps infected. Your children and pets deserve to be protected.

Calling a pest control professional is your best step toward dealing with a raccoon problem. Visit this website to learn more about raccoon removal in Burlingame. 

Researchers Learn to Drive Cockroaches

CLEVELAND — Case Western Reserve University researchers have tapped into the brains of common cockroaches, allowing the scientists to identify the neurons that control specific movements… read more

Save the Bees and Your Home With Humane Bee Removal

Bees are amazing little creatures that pollinate food crops and produce honey. However, they are a wonder of nature that are best admired from a distance. Bees high up in a tree are not of much concern, but a colony living in the walls of your home is a problem. Professional exterminators can humanely remove bees from structures and take them off of your property. Here are three ways professionals can accomplish this task.

Luring and Trapping

Using a one-way wire mesh device, bees can be lured out of their nest in your house and into a hive placed nearby. This is an effective but slow process.


Specially outfitted vacuums can be used to safely extract the bees. They are then relocated. This method tends to stimulate the bees and make them aggressive, so only properly-outfitted professionals should do this.

Hand Removal

Trained professionals are able to access the nest and physically remove it. This is best done when the hive is at its weakest, typically in the late winter.

Whichever method appeals to you, make sure that your bee removal expert is well-trained, licensed and insured. Visit this website for more information about humane bee removal in Rancho Bernardo.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Cockroaches in the Kitchen

Nothing is nastier that having a kitchen infested with cockroaches. Too bad the little critters can’t make themselves useful. Even if they can’t cook, at least they could do the dishes. 

Learn the Signs of Vole Infestation

Small rodents such as mice, moles and voles are common in most climates.Mice are generally unseen unless they have moved into your house. Moles leave tell-tale mounds of dirt all over your yard. Voles are less-commonly discussed, but are very damaging to your landscaping. Here are some tell-tale signs that you have a vole infestation.

1. Mysteriously Dead Plants

If your trees, shrubs, bushes and other perennial plants are dying for no obvious reason, you might have a vole infestation. Voles burrow underground and feed on root systems, leaving your plants defenseless.

2. Chew Marks

Small chew marks can be seen around the base of plants dead or dying plants. Most munching takes place below ground, but voles are known for leaving their mark above ground as well.

3.Tracks in the Lawn

Voles travel across your lawn in runways that are furrowed into the topsoil. Vegetation is displaced, leaving a noticeable track of dead grass. If you see these tracks in your lawn, you have voles. However, the tracks may not be noticed until significant damage has been done. Keeping your lawn mowed will enable you to spot the damage sooner.

Like other rodents, voles carry diseases and are hosts to parasites such as ticks and fleas. Elimination of a vole infestation can be very tricky without professional help. For more information about vole removal in El Cajon, visit this website.